The Responder Network

Support your clients’ philanthropic efforts in moments of crisis

The Responder Network is a unique solution for wealth advisors and your clients to respond quickly and effectively to a crisis through Goodnation’s strategic Smartfunds.


Goodnation’s impact

Goodnation has created the Responder Network to ensure that donors can effectively respond in moments of crisis including conflicts, natural disasters and other major disruptions. Goodnation has been providing giving recommendations in the emergency response space since its inception in 2017, part of its overall efforts that have raised over $40M to date.

Our unique Smartfunds, combining vetted nonprofits offering immediate, medium- and long-term relief, have proven to be an effective way to make a real impact.


A new way to respond to crises

As the frequency and severity of crises increases, we are now taking an important step forward with the Responder Network.

The Responder Network links high-performing emergency response organizations (local, national and international), with wealth advisory channels to connect generous donors with the groups best positioned to respond in moments of crisis.

Crisis Smartfund Examples

From crisis to solution

Working together to create an outsized impact in response to crises

Benefits for financial advisors

  • Strong philanthropic tool

    Be a solution provider for your clients in a moment of crisis.

  • Enable your client

    Provide vetted, curated crisis response funds created by a leader in the philanthropic space and enable your client to meet urgent immediate and longer term needs.

  • Timely response

    Receive 24-48 hour response rate from event to crisis fund prepared for distribution.

  • Toolkit

    Receive a toolkit including a secure donation form, nonprofit logos, image options, suggested text and a draft email template, making it simple for you to share the fund with your clients.

Benefits for your clients

  • Powerful giving options

    Clients benefit from powerful giving options tailored for impact.

  • Personal support

    Goodnation’s Philanthropy Advisors provide a personalized presentation of the nonprofits in the Smartfund and how they combine to create impact. They are also available to answer any questions about nonprofits' missions, programs, and the fund overall.

  • Connect with nonprofits

    Thanks to our direct partnerships with nonprofits, Goodnation can coordinate video meetings with nonprofits' leadership and staff for interested donors.

  • Impact reporting

    Goodnation will provide you with powerful reporting that keeps your clients informed and inspired by the change they're helping to create.

Americans responded to the unprecedented needs in 2020 with an increase of 5.1% in charitable giving, showing an interest in responding to crises.

The Chicago Community Trust


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